Simply 4 “basic version”: Bench with fixed bridge crane and two spindles, with double working table allowing to produce the grooves on the soles (both leather and synthetic materials) in order to prepare the non-slip injected or applied, decorations, grooves several depth, grooves “3D” on microporous. Manual loading and unloading operations of the soles; while the operator loads and unloads a table, the other one is working. The same operator drives the entering of the table just loaded in the working area even before that the other one is returned in the rest position, eliminating down times. Compatibly with the tools mounted on spindles, can be executed two very different workings. Important feature for of machine mod. Simply 4 is the possibility to work in “tandem”, that is nr. two soles same size and model simultaneously. Simply 4 ‘’ S “: Bench with fixed bridge crane and two spindles, with double working table allowing to produce the grooves on the soles (both leather and synthetic materials) in order to prepare the non-slip injected or applied, decorations, grooves several depths, grooves “3D” on microporous. Manual loading and unloading operations of the soles; while the operator loads and unloads a table, the other one is working. The same operator drives the entering of the table just loaded in the working area even before that the other one is returned in the rest position, eliminating down times. Compatibly with the tools mounted on spindles, can be executed two very different workings. Important feature for of machine mod. Simply 4 is the possibility to work in “tandem”, that is nr. two soles same size and model simultaneously. This machine mod. “S” is different from basic version, because it has the following features: spindles increased power to 3.3 kw, soles locking system with double vacuum pump, “Retractable” centering system.



Telephone: +90 212/5620607

Telephone: +90 212/5620708

Fax: +90 212/5683535


Skype:  euro-turka
